Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday morning early start!

Hi everyone,
I didn't blog yesterday because I was busy until very late last night getting my hosting online. I got my business email set up and I am almost a full functioning web business. I can't believe I actually did it in 1 week. That's working full time in the daytime and devoting several hours only each night learning more about how to do this. My cost has been very minimal. I'm really getting excited to unveil the Homepage to you and officially launch my business. I am shooting for tonight! I have several more things to get done first but I will be at it all day to tidy up the loose ends. So... See you tonight for the reveal and official launch!
As always thanks for following along with this. I'm wondering just how many of you are keeping up with this so if you could PLEASE, please.... just reply with your first name only and the first letter of your last name. That way I will at least know who's interested in what I'm doing. I know there might only be 1 or 2 of you. That's quite O.K. I'm just curious. I won't ever contact you unless specifically asked to do so. I promise! I don't want to be "That guy" that tries to bug his friends and sell them something. You're not my "target audience". I'm just looking for friendly moral support. This is a journey and I want to share it's progress with friends and family.
Thanks for watching!

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