Sunday, April 11, 2010

The begining of the Internet marketing journey! Day 1&2.

Hi, my name is CC (CamoChemeleon). Why CC? I like the name. Stealth and adaptive to any environment. Also, to remain semi-anonymous. Some of you will know who I am really but the more this grows and (hopefully spreads) maybe staying anonymous is a good precaution. This is my blog about my journey into the arena of an online Internet marketing business. Yes, I want to make money on the Internet. Try not to laugh too hard. The simple fact is that if it was easy, everyone would do it. I am very determined to make an honest go of it and see what happens. I have a very good job in the engineering field and I am not happy with the way the company is being managed from middle management down. I'm trying to be a visionary and share some of the things that I've learned at 2 of my previous jobs (Fortune 500 companies with amazing Engineering staffs) with the supervisors at my current job. Being too outspoken about my views though may put a target on my back and give them a reason to show me the door permanently. I just want the people above me to hear my ideas and try to make the company better. Maybe they will and maybe they won't. Either way, I know that If I own my own company, I call all the shots and sink or swim on my own decisions. Don't get me wrong, I love the company I work for and love my job. I'd almost work for nothing if I didn't have bills to pay to take care of my family. I just love the work that much. I'm fearful that the company will succumb the the horrible effects of the bad economy and we may ALL be shown the door eventually. Hope not but I need a back-up plan so I'm going to explore owning my own company on the side and start it from ground zero with my wife, daughter, and my son.
I'm so tired of seeing stories about how bad off people are financially because they lost their jobs and I'm so thankful that it isn't me. It may well be me soon enough though. What would I do? Well, it's pretty clear that I'd have to downsize my life in a very big way, very fast. It's too scary to think about this moment. I really feel sad for the friends of mine that were co-workers and that got laid-off early this year. It's a horrible job market and not one you want to be in looking for a new job.
So... this may be sort of a preemptive strike at finding a back-up plan and getting it off the ground before tragedy strikes. I'd love to have each and every one of you come on this journey with me and maybe we can all learn a lot together about the Internet Marketing business and life struggles together. I know I'll definitely need the support.

Day #1 - Saturday, April 10, 2010

I subscribed to a website that has an incredible amout of teaching resources. I started creating my own website. I learned all day how to design, upload and edit a 3-page simple mini-website. It was very empowering to know that within a couple of days I could have my very own site. I went to bed and found it hard to sleep because I kept thinking of new ideas for using the website to make money. I fell asleep thinking "Man, I've got a long way to go but I don't fear the road ahead."

Day #2 - Sunday, April 11, 2010

I started to ask the questions... "How much cash am I going to need to get the going? Do I need to create a company and register it right away? How long is it going to take me to figure out the legal answers to do this right? How much money can I scrounge up and commit to this effort? "
Whatever it takes!!
I'm "ALL IN"! (I love Poker)
So, I started to crunch numbers and spent the day formulating an outline for my plan.

G'Nite, and I will see you tomorrow.


1 comment:

rich said...

look 4wd 2 updates, cc!