Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 3 and still having a blast.

Hey everyone,
Logged about 3-1/2 hours tonight and learned about downsizing images for quicker webpage loads, More FTP tricks, got a cool Home page, learned more about how to use my auto-responder (Aweber), and wrote more of my new book. Yes, it was a full evening of learning. Tomorrow I am (hopefully) going live and will load either 1 or 2 web domains. I'm not sure yet what I want to unleash but have a good idea that I'm going to sleep on and determine in the morning. This is really moving fast and I'm actually considering slowing it down and giving myself a little more learning time before getting up and running. I'll let you know tomorrow what I decided and give you my URL if I'm actually live so you can look and LAUGH at my first creation. Not going to try to make any money very soon. Just going to learn as much as I can about the proccess of running the business and doing this right. My initial budget will allow me to learn for 6 months without making any money so I'm going to go slow. I want to be the turtle that keeps going and not the bunny that burns out and gives in to information overload and the pressure to make money right away. You've heard it before... It's a Marathon, not a sprint. I know this will work but it will take time. There are certain skills that need to be learned first to sustain growth. Talk to you all tomorrow!

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