Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 7 - I'm finally LIVE!

Well, I finished the 1st step. I have a functioning website up and live on the web. It took me 9-1/2 hours today to tie up all of the loose ends and get it ready for upload but I did it. I feel really good about it. But... then it hit me, it's going to be A TON of work running the business and accomplishing what I want to with it. I want to help people reach their financial goals. I hope to add tips, tools, tricks and a lot of fun along the way. I want to help young people leaving high school avoid the credit card pitfalls that they will encounter when they go on to college. My kids are sophomores now in high school and I want them to avoid the mistakes I made and maybe help some of their friends too. I've been studying a lot over the past year about credit, personal loans, mortgage loans, and how to get totally debt free (including your mortgage in under 10 years. Ask yourself this, "How much money would you need to support yourself if you had NO consumer debt to pay each month?" Just utilities, food, and other living expenses like taxes and insurance and the basics that you need to survive? You wouldn't need as much in savings if you had an unexpected job loss or other financial difficulties. This is exactly what I'm aiming for in my own financial future and I hope to help others along the way.
Talk to you soon,

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