Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 7 - I'm finally LIVE!

Well, I finished the 1st step. I have a functioning website up and live on the web. It took me 9-1/2 hours today to tie up all of the loose ends and get it ready for upload but I did it. I feel really good about it. But... then it hit me, it's going to be A TON of work running the business and accomplishing what I want to with it. I want to help people reach their financial goals. I hope to add tips, tools, tricks and a lot of fun along the way. I want to help young people leaving high school avoid the credit card pitfalls that they will encounter when they go on to college. My kids are sophomores now in high school and I want them to avoid the mistakes I made and maybe help some of their friends too. I've been studying a lot over the past year about credit, personal loans, mortgage loans, and how to get totally debt free (including your mortgage in under 10 years. Ask yourself this, "How much money would you need to support yourself if you had NO consumer debt to pay each month?" Just utilities, food, and other living expenses like taxes and insurance and the basics that you need to survive? You wouldn't need as much in savings if you had an unexpected job loss or other financial difficulties. This is exactly what I'm aiming for in my own financial future and I hope to help others along the way.
Talk to you soon,

Saturday morning early start!

Hi everyone,
I didn't blog yesterday because I was busy until very late last night getting my hosting online. I got my business email set up and I am almost a full functioning web business. I can't believe I actually did it in 1 week. That's working full time in the daytime and devoting several hours only each night learning more about how to do this. My cost has been very minimal. I'm really getting excited to unveil the Homepage to you and officially launch my business. I am shooting for tonight! I have several more things to get done first but I will be at it all day to tidy up the loose ends. So... See you tonight for the reveal and official launch!
As always thanks for following along with this. I'm wondering just how many of you are keeping up with this so if you could PLEASE, please.... just reply with your first name only and the first letter of your last name. That way I will at least know who's interested in what I'm doing. I know there might only be 1 or 2 of you. That's quite O.K. I'm just curious. I won't ever contact you unless specifically asked to do so. I promise! I don't want to be "That guy" that tries to bug his friends and sell them something. You're not my "target audience". I'm just looking for friendly moral support. This is a journey and I want to share it's progress with friends and family.
Thanks for watching!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 5!

I got my domain name registered. I'm getting hosting tomorrow and I should have my new webpage online by saturday night. If it wasn't so late I'd probably ramble about what I learned tonight but I gotta get some sleep.
C U tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

DAY 4- a lot of technical learning.

Logged about 3 1/2 hours tonight and learned a lot about resizing files to load faster on your web page. Also what to name your pages so they will show up when you load them in the FTP editor. Always use idex.html for your home page. I decided to hold off on the launch of the website for now. I've still got some decisions to make and don't want to rush the process. I said I was going to sleep on it and tell you today and after I thought about it all day I determined that I wanted to make a good first impression and knew I was still a little scattered with what I wanted to accomplish with my first site so I'm waiting for now and doing more offline construction.
Well, it's late and I gotta run for now. I'm still really excited and not facing info overload yet. This venture is eye opening every day and I sit at work counting the hours until I can get home and learn more. It's becoming very addictive the more confidence I build.
See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 3 and still having a blast.

Hey everyone,
Logged about 3-1/2 hours tonight and learned about downsizing images for quicker webpage loads, More FTP tricks, got a cool Home page, learned more about how to use my auto-responder (Aweber), and wrote more of my new book. Yes, it was a full evening of learning. Tomorrow I am (hopefully) going live and will load either 1 or 2 web domains. I'm not sure yet what I want to unleash but have a good idea that I'm going to sleep on and determine in the morning. This is really moving fast and I'm actually considering slowing it down and giving myself a little more learning time before getting up and running. I'll let you know tomorrow what I decided and give you my URL if I'm actually live so you can look and LAUGH at my first creation. Not going to try to make any money very soon. Just going to learn as much as I can about the proccess of running the business and doing this right. My initial budget will allow me to learn for 6 months without making any money so I'm going to go slow. I want to be the turtle that keeps going and not the bunny that burns out and gives in to information overload and the pressure to make money right away. You've heard it before... It's a Marathon, not a sprint. I know this will work but it will take time. There are certain skills that need to be learned first to sustain growth. Talk to you all tomorrow!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Completed Day 2 of my "Mentor course"

Hi everyone,
I spent 4 hours tonight learning. You can have a life and spend that much time if you manage your time wisely. I left work and arrived home to pick my daughter up and go grocery shopping. Got home from that and made the family dinner. Dished up and came to my office to begin learning. I missed my favorite show (24) tonight because learning was more important and I can watch it on this coming weekend. So far I'm keeping up with the training and brought 2 more of my needed resources online tonight. The tally so far of money laid out (if you're curious) is only 16$ and my next amount to lay out will be $37 in 2 weeks. The first 8 weeks will entail laying out $139.00 in total. But it is broken out into small payments every 2 weeks. When you think about it for a business this is still a VERY small investment. Think of the companies that lay out thousands or millions in venture capital and do not reach the black for years. The ledger is being kept, business bank accounts are being set up and this is becoming a real business faster than I thought it would. Still not sure if I should start an LLC though. Gotta learn more about that at some point.
It's almost mid-night and I have to turn my brain off and get some sleep or I'll be useless at work tomorrow. Talk to you tomorrow night. "Same Bat time, Same Bat channel."
Yes, I loved Batman growing up.
Take care,

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The begining of the Internet marketing journey! Day 1&2.

Hi, my name is CC (CamoChemeleon). Why CC? I like the name. Stealth and adaptive to any environment. Also, to remain semi-anonymous. Some of you will know who I am really but the more this grows and (hopefully spreads) maybe staying anonymous is a good precaution. This is my blog about my journey into the arena of an online Internet marketing business. Yes, I want to make money on the Internet. Try not to laugh too hard. The simple fact is that if it was easy, everyone would do it. I am very determined to make an honest go of it and see what happens. I have a very good job in the engineering field and I am not happy with the way the company is being managed from middle management down. I'm trying to be a visionary and share some of the things that I've learned at 2 of my previous jobs (Fortune 500 companies with amazing Engineering staffs) with the supervisors at my current job. Being too outspoken about my views though may put a target on my back and give them a reason to show me the door permanently. I just want the people above me to hear my ideas and try to make the company better. Maybe they will and maybe they won't. Either way, I know that If I own my own company, I call all the shots and sink or swim on my own decisions. Don't get me wrong, I love the company I work for and love my job. I'd almost work for nothing if I didn't have bills to pay to take care of my family. I just love the work that much. I'm fearful that the company will succumb the the horrible effects of the bad economy and we may ALL be shown the door eventually. Hope not but I need a back-up plan so I'm going to explore owning my own company on the side and start it from ground zero with my wife, daughter, and my son.
I'm so tired of seeing stories about how bad off people are financially because they lost their jobs and I'm so thankful that it isn't me. It may well be me soon enough though. What would I do? Well, it's pretty clear that I'd have to downsize my life in a very big way, very fast. It's too scary to think about this moment. I really feel sad for the friends of mine that were co-workers and that got laid-off early this year. It's a horrible job market and not one you want to be in looking for a new job.
So... this may be sort of a preemptive strike at finding a back-up plan and getting it off the ground before tragedy strikes. I'd love to have each and every one of you come on this journey with me and maybe we can all learn a lot together about the Internet Marketing business and life struggles together. I know I'll definitely need the support.

Day #1 - Saturday, April 10, 2010

I subscribed to a website that has an incredible amout of teaching resources. I started creating my own website. I learned all day how to design, upload and edit a 3-page simple mini-website. It was very empowering to know that within a couple of days I could have my very own site. I went to bed and found it hard to sleep because I kept thinking of new ideas for using the website to make money. I fell asleep thinking "Man, I've got a long way to go but I don't fear the road ahead."

Day #2 - Sunday, April 11, 2010

I started to ask the questions... "How much cash am I going to need to get the going? Do I need to create a company and register it right away? How long is it going to take me to figure out the legal answers to do this right? How much money can I scrounge up and commit to this effort? "
Whatever it takes!!
I'm "ALL IN"! (I love Poker)
So, I started to crunch numbers and spent the day formulating an outline for my plan.

G'Nite, and I will see you tomorrow.